
Enable Game Center on iPhone 3G with iOS 4.1

( Before installing the Game Centre, you iPhone should be updated to iOS 4.1 and jailbroken )

Step 1: Jailbreak your iPhone 3G on iOS 4.1

 Step 2: Download Game Center for iOS 4.1 iPhone 3G ( Download )

Step 3: Open Cydia and then search for “OpenSSH”. Install OpenSSH on your iPhone 3G.

Step 4 : You will now download software to access your iPhone 3G via SSH. Like ( WinSCP )

Step 5 : Once you have got access to the iPhone file system, navigate to /Applications folder and copy Game Center file. Set the permission to 775.

Step 6 : Navigate to System/Libary/CoreServices/  Choose from the following functions you want to activate (using folders), taking performance into account. Ideally, you must choose Game Center only.

* Folder GameCenter (active only gamecenter)
* Folder Multitasking & GameCenter (Active Multitasking and GameCenter)
* Folder Backgrounds & GameCenter (Active Background and GameCenter)
* Folder Backgrounds & Multitasking & GameCenter (Enable All)

Step 7 : After choose the option u want upload N82AP.plist (Backup the original first)

Step 8 : Now go on System/Libary/LaunchDeamons/

Step 9  : And now last step go on usr/libexec/
And upload gamed and set permission 775

Step 10 : Reboot your iPhone :)
Now GameCenter working on your iPhone 3G