
It's official! Do not miss the special day shopping Apple, Friday, November 26! Do not miss this Friday, November 26 Special Day also known as Black Friday Shopping at the Apple Store online. A special day, alone in the year, when Apple offers huge promotions on some of its products.

What is Black Friday?

For those who want to buy Apple hardware, it's time! Big promotions prospects for this Friday ...You will find dozens of great gift ideas iPad, iPod and Mac, this is an opportunity for you to prepare for Christmas!Black Friday is an American tradition that, for the second straight year, sweeping France. The concept? For 24 hours the day after Thanksgiving (this year Black Friday falls on November 25, one month to the day before Christmas), most major brands of the world offer special promotions which are only rarely found the remainder of the year. Last year, the Apple Store, Apple had offered great discounts on iMacs and MacBook Pro. A question remains, what is Apple going to offer us this year? 

Wondering how to enjoy it now?

By clicking here you will arrive directly on the page will be promotions of black friday. It will be updated automatically throughout the day.Do not miss this unique day!