
Gevey Ultra Unlock iPhone 4 baseband 4.11.08 & 4.12.01

Gevey has released Gevey Ultra SIM to unlock iPhone 4 on all basebands that includes 4.11.08 and 4.12.01. So it does not matter what iOS firmware you are on as you would be able to unlock your iPhone no matter what!
To unlock iPhone 4 baseband 4.11.08 & 4.12.01 you will need to have a jailbroken iPhone 4 and to have the latest version of furious mod installed (installed via Cydia).
This new Gevey Ultra SIM for iPhone 4 on iOS 5.0.1 and iOS 5.1 is currently on sale for $49.99 on Applenberry’s website, so if you want one go ahead and buy it before they sell out.

The new GEVEY™ Ultra unlocks your GSM iPhone 4 running iOS 5.1 and earlier and now supports modem firmware versions 1.59, 2.10, 3.10.1, 4.10.1, 4.11.08, and 4.12.01. Currently, a tethered Jailbreak is available for iOS 5.1 for iPhone 4, and you will also need to install the latest Furious Mod file for proper operation.
Additional software needed and tested to unlock your iPhone 4 with the new GEVEY™ Ultra are Redsn0w 0.910b1 and Absinthe v0.4. Note that we cannot offer phone support for installation, configuration, or troubleshooting of the iPhone Jailbreak process.

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